Shore Diving Packages

Diving the Go West House Reef

There’s no better way to start your visit to Curacao than with a dive on our fantastic house reef, Alice in Wonderland. Rated one of the top dive sites in Curacao, the reef is a short 100 feet straight out from the pier. It’s a great way to get back in the water, get your weights set, and check your buoyancy before jumping on board one of our boat trips to the best diving in Curacao.

Either direction offers a varied dive experience. Look for a concrete hand at 10’ about 50 yards right off the pier and don’t forget to say hello to Donatello the house turtle. A reference rope runs from the end of the pier down to the coral reef and beyond 100’. Green morays, lobsters, lettuce sea slugs, and sharp tail eels also make their home here. This is a great dive to make any time of the day or night – not just for a checkout dive!


No Buddy, No Problem

We offer Guided Shore Dives for those divers who want someone to show them around our reef and for those who need a buddy. All of our staff divers are instructors so you will always be in great hands. If you would like to schedule a guided dive, please contact us the day before to make sure we have staff available to take you diving.

Based on the date of your last dive and total number of dives, we might request you take a short refresher course.

Visit the Rates page for shore diving package options as well as options for guided shore dives.

Shore Diving on Curacao's Leeward Coast

Curacao diving is similar to next-door neighbor Bonaire in terms of the number of shore dive sites and marine life, but it also offers some features Bonaire does not.

For one, most of our shore diving is conducted from sandy beaches in small, secluded inlets. The easy-footing sandy entries mean the reef is a bit further out than on Bonaire, but the surface swims. Exists – absent any slippery rocks – are equally easy at the end of the dive.

Another great plus is that many (but not all) of the beach parking lots have security guards on duty.

Dive Rates (incl. taxes)
1-Tank Boat Dive $ 72
(4-persons min.)
2-Tank Morning Boat Dive $ 120
1-Tank Night Boat Dive $ 83
(4-persons min.)
2-Tank Morning Boat Dive incl. u/l Tanks for Shore $ 135
Guided Dive on House Reef $ 35
(excl. tank & weights)
Guided Night Dive on House Reef $ 45
(excl. tank & weights)
1 Day u/l Air Tanks for Shore Diving $33
(incl. weights)

Packages** (incl. taxes)
3 Days u/l Air Tanks for Shore Diving $ 99
4 Days u/l Air Tanks for Shore Diving $ 130
5 Days u/l Air Tanks for Shore Diving $ 160
6 Days u/l Air Tanks for Shore Diving $ 179
6 days u/l Air Tanks for Shore Diving incl. 3 2-Tank Boat Dives $ 444
6 days u/l Air Tanks for Shore Diving incl. 5 2-Tank Boat Dives $ 585
3 Days 2-Tank Morning Boat Dives** $ 345
4 Days 2-Tank Morning Boat Dives** $ 450
5 Days 2-Tank Morning Boat Dives** $ 552
6 Days 2-Tank Morning Boat Dives** $ 648

Rental Rates (per day, incl. taxes)
Tank Rental $ 10
(no weights)
Weights Rental $ 5
One Nitrox Tank $ 16
(no weights)
Nitrox Upgrade from Air $ 6
(per tank)
Nitrox Upgrade from Air $ 21
Snorkel Set $ 18
Mask and Snorkel $ 10
Fins $ 10
BCD $ 16
Regulator $ 16
Wetsuit $ 16
Dive Light $ 6
Full Set incl. Dive Computer $ 50
Full Set incl. Dive Computer $ 45
(3+ days)
BCD and Regulator $ 30
Dive Computer $ 10


These shore diving packages are for Certified Open Water divers.

  • If the date of the last dive was 18 months to 5 years ago, a Refresher may be required
  • If your last dive was over 10 years ago, an audit of a full Open Water Certification course may be required.
  • You may be asked to show your logbook for verification
  • Exceptions to the above may be considered by management depending on your recent diving history and your level of certification

Playa Piskado - Playa Grandi

Making a shore dive (or snorkel) from this tiny fishermen’s beach, located halfway between Go West Diving and All West Apartments, is a must if you want a guaranteed turtle sighting. Or sightings – as they are abundant here, feeding off the fish scraps tossed into the water by the local fisherman.

(Video Courtesy of Peter Peart)